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Find Your Friends!

We want to make using the Membership Directory easy for you so you can find colleagues and friends from your Association life. The Membership Directory is a safe, secure, and private listing of NEARO members.

Once you’re logged into as a member, the Membership  Directory is linked at the top of the NEARO homepage. Until you sign into the Member site, you won’t see the Member Directory button. 

The pro tip to using the Membership Directory is: "Less is More". For instance, if you want to find Gerry Gripper (and who doesn’t love Gerry?) just type in his first or his last name. Not both. Don’t type in 'Gerry Gripper', because for some nerdy techno reason, if you put in someone’s first and last name, you get “No Results Found”. So just put in Gerry, and you’ll find Gerry’s listing! 

And here’s another wonderful thing. Even though Gerry is listed in the Membership Directory as Gerald, the system will find him as Gerry.

Here’s hoping you find all your friends!  

Join a Committee!

You’ve joined NEARO. Now what? Join a committee. Why should I, you ask? Because I bet you’re ready for a challenge. You will stretch all your intellectual and emotional muscles. NEARO work allows you to bring your full self to the organization—your emotional connection to Association work, your commitment to public education, and to the generation of Association staff who came after us, your life experience, your skills. There are few organizations other than NEARO that will need all of what you bring to the table. Please join us in leadership!

Here’s a list of NEARO committees. Pick one that interests you and then call or write the NEARO President and indicate your interest.

Board of Directors
NEARO's elected and ex-officio members


Reviews, proposes annual budget


Sets Communications calendar, monitors all NEARO communications, prepares written and online materials


Solicits nominations, compiles/distributes profiles, conducts elections

Legislative & Political, Advocacy

Monitors NEA pension plan and Fed & state legislative trends impacting pensions and health care as well as other federal and state legislative threats


Oversees membership renewal, develops strategies/tactics to increase membership, prepares outreach materials

Program Planning

Develops programs for membership meetings and engages members in activities.

Sunshine & Benevolence

Obtains info on member's deaths, illness, significant accomplishments & sends appropriate message, cards

How Many Multi-Year Paying Members Does NEARO Have?

As a member of NEARO you can pay yearly dues for up to six years. This has two benefits: you can forget about having to renew all that time. And it keeps NEARO strong and able to advocate for your pension!

Here’s the number of NEARO members who are paying multi-year dues as of November 2024: 

2-yr member     230
3 yr member     101
4 yr member       20
5 yr member     113
6 yr plus             18

1-yr member    199

TOTAL              681

Thank you NEARO Members!


Welcome Members
Welcome New Members!

Your Beneficiary Can Be a NEARO Member, Too!

Did you know that your designated beneficiary, upon your passing, can be a NEARO member, too? This is a great benefit to your loved one, as it helps protect your legacy and extends the security you’ve provided.

Your beneficiary doesn’t have to have been an Association employee. All they have to do is be designated as your beneficiary in NEARO’s membership system. Here’s what NEARO’s by-laws say:

"Active Membership. Any person retired under the NEA Employees Retirement Plan and any named beneficiary of such deceased retired NEARO member collecting benefits shall be eligible for Active Membership. Only Active members who have paid their annual dues may vote or seek elected or appointed office; officers must maintain Active membership during the full term of office." 

Check your NEARO Profile under the heading “Additional Member Data” and discuss the details of this benefit with your beneficiary. Membership in NEARO is an important asset, and you can pass it on to the one you love.